Old Recoveries
Old Recoveries
Boost your profitability with BottomLine Solutions’ Old Recoveries service, a proven solution that uncovers hidden revenue streams and revitalize your business’ financial health.
At BottomLine Solutions, “Write Off” is a dirty word; let us clean up your old aging and keep Write Offs off the table.
Our team is trained to tackle old and troublesome AR balances that may seem otherwise uncollectible. With proven recovery efforts beyond the standard timely filing limitations, our team has the knowledge and expertise to proceed with multi-level appeals, audit and submit medical records, provide regulations to support proper processing, and follow through for positive resolution.
We understand that sometimes a write off is necessary, however, with BottomLine Solutions, you can always be sure that our team has worked your claims for payment through every available level of dispute and has the backup to prove it.